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B Tex Super Ointment 12 gm

B Tex Super Ointment 12 gm

Regular price Rs. 90.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 90.00
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B-Tex Super is an Ayurvedic ointment made for Eczema, Dermatitis, Ringworm, and Itches.

B-tex super ointment is a powerful ayurvedic combination of germicide, bacteriocidal, eschorotic, anti septic, anesthetic & anti pruritic.

For thousands of years, it has been acknowledge fact that bathing in the hot water sulphur springs which spring from the belly of the earth has magical curative powers on skin problems. B-tex super with sulphur brings you the benefit of that proven ancient ayurvedic remedy in modern packing for your convenience.

Clean the affected part  with lukewarm water and antiseptic like spirit. Apply B-Tex White Ointment and rub gently

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